About Our Charity

NIRANT is a Registered Public Charitable Trust with 50 members and appx. 200+ blood donors who firmly believe that we all get benefited from the society we are living in and hence we should also perform our part of duties towards the Society and that there should be some 'KARMA' without desire for fruits.

Members in NIRANT voluntarily donate money to the trust and the available fund is being used to pay school and tuition fees for the needy students, to provide free food and clothes to the needy, to conduct Blood Donation Camps and for other similar activities which are likely to assist the needy people in the Society.

We welcome Members who wish to perform their part of duties towards Society.

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Our Vision

Nirant is a public charitable trust and involved in mainly given activities like Education, Voluntary Blood Donation, Food And Cloth . These all activities collectively lay down the foundation of a strong future for anyone.

Our Mission

Nirant's activity focus is to satisfy basic human needs in order to support better tomorrow.

Popular Causes

We are a non-profital & Charity raising money for child education


We believe that education is the right to everyone. A person without education is like a dry river which is not useful to anyone.

Food and Clothes

It’s our priority to give quality food and clothes to needy. Every Year, we distribute quality food and clothes to needy families.


Primary and immediate medical care is the right to all people. We are committed to the needy to get primary and immediate medical help.

Blood Donation

A crying mother’s tears can’t save her child but your blood can.We are committed to organise a blood donation camps for needy patients..

Our Achievemtns in Numbers

Nirant's activity focus is to satisfy basic human needs in order to support better tomorrow.






